
The Masorah of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Introduction and Annotated Glossary is unavailable, but you can change that!

One of the barriers involved in teaching students of Biblical Hebrew about the Masorah is the lack of introductory literature on the subject. Although a lot of information about the Masorah is available in print, most of it is in technical professional journals or encyclopedia articles. Scattered about in disparate sources, often not in English, this literature is easier to ignore than it is to...

There are two basic types of Mm notes (following Yeivin’s categories).3 Their common factor is that both list occurrences. Elaborative Notes are the most frequent kind. They simply list the references where the word or phrase at issue in the Mp note can be found. In other words, they elaborate on the frequency information given by the Mp notes. For example, in Genesis 21:15, the word אַחַד has the Mp note כ̇ה̇ (a Frequency note). The Mp note tells us that אַחַד occurs 25 times.
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